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Stuartholme News

Stuartholme student wins R D Milns Award

The Historical Writing Competition conducted by the Queensland History Teachers’ Association, is the main competition for Queensland history students and is entered by both public and private schools from across the state.  This year, our history students have been winners in all year levels and nearly all categories.

In Year 12 Ancient History, first place was awarded to Maria Snegovaya, who also received the overall R.D. Milns Award. Emeritus professor R D Milns presented the award to Maria at a ceremony this week and he was effusive in his praise of her work. Third place went to Mackenna Dries and Samantha Boland received a Highly Commended.

Marina Bishop was awarded first place for Year  11 Ancient History and third place for Year 11 Modern History. The multi-modal award for Ancient History was won by Charlotte Turnbull. First place for Year 10 historical writing went to Naeve Fraser.

We celebrate these students of excellence.

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