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Supporting the mental health of your daughter

Supporting the mental health of your daughter

School holidays often affords families the chance to reconnect after a busy term. It might also offer you the space to revisit how what you can do as a parent or caregiver to support your daughter’s mental health or reflect on the extent to which strategies for bolstering wellbeing are being met in your household.

What you can do to help as a parent or caregiver?

Your relationship with your child is the most important tool you have to support them:

Focus on the positives – what is great about who they are?

Encourage communication – about all things.

Listen hard – your ability to ‘fix the problem is far less important than your ability to listen to it.

Seek information, advice and support together – taking that step together can really break down barriers.

Protecting our children in the real world and online

Holidays are also a time for increased screen time. Schools and parents share a common goal to project our children and that this is just as important “online” as in the “real world”.

The e-Safety Commissioner offers the best tips for supporting parents in this endeavour.

The top tips for protecting your daughter online

  1. It is just as important to play the role of parent in the online world – so keep up to date with this world and who your daughter is connecting with.
  2. The internet is the most public place to be – help your daughter understand this before she posts or emails anything online.
  3. Keep internet linked devices out of the bedroom – this reduces the risks to your daughter by 50 per cent.

Seeking further help

Anyone who may be at risk or experiencing emotional distress, including worried family and friends, should contact one of the following services:

  • Kids Helpline. 1800 55 1800. Phone support is there all day, every day. Online support is available 24/7.
  • 1800 650 890. Open 9am-1am daily (AEST).
  • 13 11 14. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 7pm-4am daily (AEST).
  • 1300 22 4636. Phone support all day, every day. Online support 3pm-midnight every day.


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